Neuigkeiten | Theaterverlag Hofmann-Paul

Neuigkeiten - With a view to the future

With a view to the future - 01. März 2023
Publishing House in Transition
With a view to the future
Theaterverlag Hofmann-Paul becomes part of Drei Masken Verlag in Munich

The theatre business is facing new challenges, and the publishers are too. After 25 years Theaterverlag Hofmann-Paul in Berlin joins the Munich-based Drei Masken Verlag in a forward-looking merger. The company will be continued as an independent brand within the renowned Drei Masken Verlag. Thus, it will be possible to strengthen the workforce and to involve the next younger generation in order to guarantee continuous and reliable support for the authors and their work. The future challenges of the stage editorial business can also be faced more easily this way.

The following address applies from April 1st, 2023:

Herzog-Heinrich-Str. 18 | 80336 München
Telefon +49 89 54456909
E-Mail: [email protected]

Currently Theaterverlag Hofmann-Paul represents 250 titles by some 175 authors, composers and translators. The profile of Theaterverlag Hofmann-Paul goes hand in hand with the portfolio of Drei Masken Verlag, a company founded in Munich already in 1910. Drei Masken Verlag incorporates the programm to a large extent and this conscious and appreciative merger means an expansion of program and expertise likewise.

The current editorial and managing director of Drei Masken Verlag, Dr. Dirk Olaf Hanke, will be representing both agencies in the future.

A team of young and experienced editors, also in charge of sales will then support shaping the future of the agency at the location Munich with innovation and energy.

From April 1st, 2023, Ulrike Hofmann-Paul will work in an advisory capacity for a transitional period. Furthermore, she will remain with the Drei Masken Verlag as a translator from English.

Yours sincerely
Ulrike Hofmann-Paul and Dr. Dirk Olaf Hanke
(Editorial management)

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